Dentistry MMI Prep Courses – Mock Dentistry MMI Circuits

  • A full day of dentistry mock MMI circuits invigilated by university NHS tutor Dr Abdul Mannan. Experience 40 MMI dental stations complete with expert feedback. They are designed by NHS university tutors with established dentists and fully updated for 2025 entry.

  • 🦷 Now that you have gained the knowledge and skills for your upcoming dental interviews, we now offer you to practice your interview skills with four complete mock MMI circuits under exam conditions.

Why should you book a mock dentistry MMI interview circuit?

Once you have gained the knowledge and skills for your dental school interview, you can practice a day of MMI stations under exam conditions with a university tutor. This is as close to the real thing as you can get. The only difference is that you get comprehensive feedback on your performance.

Update 15 October 2022 - Our MMI circuit days in Manchester are almost sold out. We have added virtual MMI circuit days if you cannot travel to Manchester and wish to attend your interviews from home. We suggest you book your place now, as our circuits are in high demand.

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What if the format of the Dentistry MMI circuit day?

  • 🔎 You will undertake 40 mock dentistry MMI stations during the day. At the start of the day, you will be teamed up with a fellow student, see 20 stations, and sit at 20 stations.

  • 💡 Our dentistry in-person interview MMI circuits are held in Manchester. There is a strict limit of 10 students per circuit. There will be 20 stations in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. We include a top lunch and refreshments.

  • 👁 At the end of the afternoon session, we will hold a debrief session with all students, examiners, Dr Mannan and Dr Khan so that you can gain further feedback on the performance as a cohort in addition to your own and that of your partner.

  • 🦷 Dental interviews focus more on practical skills, including manual dexterity. We will have stations to assess these.

  • 🌀 After each station, you will be given expert feedback on your performance from an experienced examiner. You can ask questions and learn how to improve your marks. Take your feedback home with you.


Who designs the stations on the dentistry MMI circuit day?

  • 🩺 Dr Abdul Mannan designs the MMI circuits with input from practising NHS dentists.

  • As well as being a top doctor, he is an experienced medical school undergraduate tutor and a supervisor for junior doctors. All our stations are up to date and accurately reflect the actual interview.

  • 📚 We do not simply use past questions but also our experience of undergraduate medical education and the NHS to try and predict what students will be assessed on this year.

  • ⚠️ It is Setting up a realistic mock MMI interview at home or school is challenging. Our MMI interview circuits are calibrated at the correct level and are identical to the process followed in many UK medical and dental schools.

  • 🔎 We ask candidates as part of the booking process what dental schools the applicant is applying for. Remember you have a choice of 4. We tailor the circuits to reflect the intention of the candidates.


How should I prepare for my dentistry MMI circuit day?

  • 🏆 We recommend all students attend our Dental School Interview Course before sitting an MMI circuit so you have the necessary knowledge and skills to sit the interview. We do not recommend you sit the dentistry mock exam MMI circuit without preparing, as you would with any exam.

  • 👉 Not all students have relatives in the medical or dental profession whom they can practice with, and not all doctors are trained in medical education. We can fill this gap for you.

  • 🔎 Your feedback is unbiased, accurate and non-judgemental. Our examiners are not there to be nice to you. We will tell you how to do things right if you are going wrong.

  • 📽 We include role-play and practical stations. We will bring all our equipment and actors to the exam room for in-person circuits.

  • 🔎 We are open and transparent in what we offer. We have uploaded testimonials from previous students and photos from prior mock MMI interview circuits that we have held (pre-coronavirus pandemic).

Still, trying to decide what to book or need advice? Please speak to Dr Khan or Dr Mannan in total confidence on 01706 491146 or send us an email at


Our MMI circuits give you the option to experience 40 dental MMI stations (attempt 20 and watch 20)

Our MMI circuits give you the option to experience 40 dental MMI stations (attempt 20 and watch 20)

Dr Mannan and Dr Khan invigilate every circuit in person and are available for any advice and guidance.

Dr Mannan and Dr Khan invigilate every circuit in person and are available for advice and guidance.

There is a debrief at the end of the day where every student learns from the experience of the cohort and not just individual performance.

At the end of the day, there is a debrief where every student learns from the cohort's experience and not just individual performance.

What topics are covered in the dental MMI stations for 2022 entry?

Here is a list of topics we can include in our dental mock MMI interview circuits. You should expect a mix of role-play, knowledge-based and practical stations.

  • Motivation for a career dentistry.

  • Learning methods used at dental schools.

  • Critical analysis stations

  • Team working and Leadership

  • Manual Dexterity (Dental Candidates)

  • Practical Tasks

  • Critical Thinking (Dental Candidates)

  • Personal assessment stations

  • Current Hot topics including COVID19

  • Communication skills including empathy

  • Video and critique stations

  • Role play stations

  • Research into Dental schools

  • Medical and Dental Ethics

  • Work experience station

  • Qualities of a Doctor or Dentist stationGDC - Standards & Guidance


Our in-person MMI circuit days are held in a top hotel in Manchester and come complete with a top lunch.

Every student will get expert feedback on every station that is attempted. Learn where you went wrong and how to put this right.

Numbers are strictly capped at ten students per study day. We would suggest that you book your place now.